Vital Japan - Event Registration Form

Please subscribe to the Vital Japan's mailing list as well. Vital Japan Mailing List

1. Event Date
2. Your Name in Japanese (in Katakana, Hiragana or Kanji, if you can)
3. Your Name in Roman Alphabet (family name, given name)
4. Your affiliation or occupation (comapany name, etc)
5. Your specialty or profession

(ex. marketing, fiscal policy, journalism etc)

6. Your email
7. First time to participate in Vital Japan
8. Where did you hear about us?
(for first time participants)
9. Additional information and comments (if any)

The above 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be disclosed on the participants list which will be distributed at the event.

After clicking "submit"button, please click the left button on the next page, if the information you typed in is correct.

If the form submission does not work, please send the above info to

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