MBA Program教授のGinger Griggsさんがスピーカー。
面接の仕方・受け方、Performance Reviewの仕方・受け方などのポイントをグローバルな観点から的確に教えていただくと同時に、role
・Effective international business leaders
・Five types of Interview Questions, High-Level Questions to
Answer, 8 General Recommendations
・Role Play: Conducting an Employee Interview
・Role Play: Confronting an Employee Regarding Power Harassment
・4 Steps to a Successful Outcome
・7 Tips and Suggestions
Vital Japan and Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business
invite you to an entertaining, interactive workshop focusing
on “Global Leadership and Communication Skills”.
What common denominator do the world’s most
successful business leaders share? They know how to build
their organizations, how to keep them on track, and how to
deal successfully with internal and external challenges and
How do they do it? The secret of their success
lies in being both goal oriented and people oriented.
They make it their business to know how to“read” people and
situations--and with that awareness, how to act, what to say,
and how to say it in a way that most effectively influences
others. Few of us can claim to have been born with these abilities.
Most of us acquire them by making the effort--through learning
and practice.
Come join us in an interactive workshop where
you will have the opportunity to see some of these role plays,
to explore what works and what doesn’t, and in an informal,
supportive atmosphere, to experiment with some of these situations
with a role play partner.
You’re bound to have a great time and to come away with new
tools and insights that will be useful to you not only in
your business life, but in your personal life as well.
Ginger Griggs is a professor in the Kenichi Ohmae Graduate
School of Business MBA program. She is also a Tokyo-based
business consultant and leadership development trainer, facilitator,
and coach. Ms. Griggs uses a range of techniques that she
has refined throughout 17 years as an educator in the United
States, almost a decade in Europe and Japan as an executive
in The Coca-Cola Company, and eight years as a business consultant,
trainer, facilitator, and coach in Japan.
Ms. Griggs has lived, worked, and studied
in the United States, Mexico, Europe, and Asia. She speaks
four languages fluently and has Master’ s Degrees in International
Business Management, Conflict Facilitation and Organizational
Change, and French Language and Literature. Among Ms. Griggs’
corporate experiences that add a depth of understanding to
the difficulties faced by her organizational and executive
clients, are her previous roles as financial and operational
controller of a $500 million Coca-Cola business unit, manager
of Sales Planning and Analysis for one of The Coca-Cola Company’s
top 3 international markets, and responsibility for high profile
projects in organizational reengineering, global IT, activity-based
costing, and business continuity planning.
