米国大使館 経済担当の一等書記官であるAaron Forsbergさんをお迎えし、日本をはじめとするアジア太平洋地域における米国の通商政策について、お話いただきました。
The presentation aims to provide an overview of U.S. trade
policy as it applies to current policy topics relating to
trade relations in the Asia-Pacific region.
Specifically, it will survey the U.S. trade
policy decision-making
process, U.S.-Japan trade relations, and other elements of
U.S. trade policy in the region, particularly expansion of
the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.
The speaker will welcome questions on current
policy issues as well as broader questions about the history
and practice of trade policy.
Aaron P. Forsberg is a Foreign Service Officer assigned to
the conomic Section at U.S. Embassy Tokyo, where he is responsible
for nvestment, trade and regulatory affairs.
He entered the Foreign Service in 2001 and
has served in Qatar, hailand, and the Bureau of East Asian
and Pacific Affairs at the epartment of State in Washington,
Prior to joining the government, Mr. Forsberg
worked as a legal and inancial translator at the Tokyo Office
of White & Case LLP, and he onducted research on U.S.-Japan
relations while teaching history in he University of Maryland
He is the author of America and the Japanese
Miracle (2000) on apan's postwar economic revival, published
in Japanese translation in 2001. Mr. Forsberg graduated with
a B.A. in History from Whitman College and a Ph.D. from the
University of Texas at Austin.