革新的な技術で新製品の“洋風和菓子”を開発した福岡市に本社のある規模の小 さな明月堂。しかし,九州はかねてから贈答菓子の激戦地区,全国展開をしてい
る “ひよこ”,“チロリアン”の千鳥屋などブランド力ある大手企業が既にシェ アを押さえていました。また,バブル崩壊後,贈答品の売上は減少するばかり。
After a long period of research and development, Meigetsudo
operating business in Fukuoka developed an innovative new
product, Torimon, which was a fusion of Japanese-style confectionery
and western-style confectionery. This was a kind of manjyu
containing milk and butter in the an.
However, the confectionery business had been operating in
a highly competitive field in which profit margins were small.
In order to produce relevant profits it was necessary to generate
large sales volume by developing national brands. The market
in Fukuoka was mature and already occupied by other firms’
national brands.
Furthermore, like other food industries in Japan, confectionery
expenditure for gifts had been affected by the prolonged sluggishness
in consumption because of the protracted recession. Accordingly,
it seemed to be difficult for a small- or medium-sized enterprise
(SME) latecomer to penetrate such a well-established market.
In this case study workshop, participants are asked to analyze
branding strategies of the SME to challenge national brands.
They will learn innovative marketing strategies in branding
food products to match consumer ideals and foster industry
中谷 安男 さん Dr. Yasuo Nakatani
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業,米国ジョージタウン大学大学院英語教授法資格, 豪州マッコーリー大学大学院修士号,英国バーミンガム大学大学院博士号
取得, オックスフォード大学客員研究員
専門:コミュニケーション・ストラテジー,言語習得,ビジネスケース作成 例 「インテル(株)マーケティング戦略」「インテル品質管理の交渉」「サッポロ
ビール組織変革」「JR九州高速船」「たこ焼き八ちゃん堂」「シャネル,ディオー ル・パフュームブランド戦略」等
著書 Improving Oral Proficiency through Strategy Training、『オックスフォードのスローライフ』『ケース・メソッド入門』
『国際ビジネスコミュニケーション‐国際ビジネス分析の新しい視点』他 多数。
Professor Yasuo Nakatani obtained his TESOL Certificate from
Georgetown University, M.A. from Macquarie University, and
Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham and was a visiting
scholar at University of Oxford.
His research interests include Communication Strategies,
Business Case Studies and Second Language Acquisition. He
wrote many business cases such as Intel’s brand marketing
strategies and Chanel & Dior’s perfume branding strategies.
He published 22 books, 41 research papers and made 52 presentations
in the world.