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Ginger Griggs - Vital Japan English session 英語での勉強会

第128回勉強会 - 128th Meeting

Time 2015年1月31日(土) 東京都千代田区飯田橋
Topic 「人生をかけた『本物の』コミュニケーション
− どうすれば人を鼓舞し、心を動かすことができるのか
Get Real! - “Authentic” Communication that Inspires,
Motivates, and Influences
Speaker Ginger Griggs, Business Consultant
Language English (使用言語: 英語)
Participants 250人

Vital Japanの過去のセッションでも絶大な人気を誇るGinger Griggsさん。 熱いご要望にお応えし2015年最初のセッションにご登場。

誰もが魅了されるGingerさんの卓越したコミュニケーション力がどう形成されたのか、 ライフヒストリーも交えながらの感動的なお話。



Are you a really great communicator? Humans are social animals, which means that ultimately, a big part of your success in life--what you will be able to accomplish for your own good and for the good of others--will depend only in part on what you independently do as an individual.
It will depend to a great extent on how well you can inspire, motivate, and influence others on a daily basis. It will depend on the power of your communication.

There are extremely helpful communication skills that you can and should learn, but inspiring trust on a daily basis and moving people to see ideas, issues--and even themselves--from a different perspective requires more than just technical ability. To be a really great communicator, you must also be “authentic.” Authentic communication is grounded in self-awareness and honesty. It represents your real beliefs, values, and life experience. In short, it is a reflection of who you really are.

Join us for this highly interactive session in which we will explore and practice “authentic communication”--why and how it works, and what it takes to get there.

Ginger Griggs is founder and president of ASC Leader, a company dedicated to inspiring leadership excellence through Awareness, Skill, and Courage. ASC Leader specializes in leadership consulting, training, and executive coaching, in team building, and in all aspects of communication.

In addition to her work through ASC Leader, Ginger is a professor in the MBA program at Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business, where she teaches Global Leadership and Communication. She also works closely with HR Institute, Global Leadership Partners Asia, and Lumina Learning. Ginger’s
professional experience includes 17 years as an educator in the USA, a decade in Europe and Japan in key management positions with The Coca-Cola Company, and 13 years as a leadership consultant, trainer, and executive coach in Japan.

Ginger is co-chair of the Human Resource Management Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan. She also serves on the boards of the United Sports Foundation and the Tokyo American Club. She has lived, worked, and studied in the USA, Mexico, Europe, and Asia, and she holds Master’s Degrees in International Business Management, Conflict Facilitation & Organizational Change, and French Language & Literature.

Vital Japan 今後の行事案内

Vital Japan English session 英語でのセミナー

Vital Japan English session 英語でのセミナー

Vital Japan English session 英語でのセミナー

Vital Japan English session 英語でのセミナー

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