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[Full!]Sat. November 25: Vital Japan◆「MBAを超えて◇世界のリーダーシップ教育のパラダイムシフトへの挑戦」 “Beyond MBA”

土曜日 , 11月 25, 2017@2:00 pm - 4:45 pm

Vital Japan: 英語ディスカッション、交流会・Networking
Vital Japan – October Monthly Session – 第158回月例セッション:2017年11月25日(土) 2:00pm-  【飯田橋-Iidabashi】

Fully booked!  満員のため受付締切済

◆Topic 「MBAを超えて ~ 世界のリーダーシップ教育のパラダイムシフトへの挑戦」
“Beyond MBA
Exploring an alternative paradigm of leadership development towards the more inclusive and sustainable economy and society”

◆Speaker:  野田 智義 さん    Dr. Tomoyoshi NODA
(大学院大学 至善館 理事長、全人格リーダーシップ教育機関 アイ・エス・エル(ISL)創設者、経営学博士)
Founder and Chair, Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation,  Shizenkan University
Founder, Institute for Strategic Leadership

※使用言語:英語のみ    Session in English only

*English Announcement

◆日時:2017年11月25日(土) 勉強会 2:00-4:45pm  (開場  1:30pm)      終了後、5:00pmより 立食パーティー

◆会場:東京しごとセンター B2F 講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3


◆Sign-up 参加申込フォーム Fully booked!  満員のため受付締切済

-2:00pm  Networking time
2:00pm: Opening
2:15pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
4:45pm  Session End
(5:00-7:00pm Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)

◆使用言語:英語のみ    English only

◆Topic「MBAを超えて ~ 世界のリーダーシップ教育のパラダイムシフトへの挑戦」
“Beyond MBA
Exploring an alternative paradigm of leadership development
towards the more inclusive and sustainable economy and society”

◆Speaker: 野田 智義 さん    Dr. Tomoyoshi NODA
(大学院大学 至善館 理事長、全人格リーダーシップ教育機関 アイ・エス・エル(ISL)創設者、経営学博士)
Founder and Chair, Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation,  Shizenkan University
Founder, Institute for Strategic Leadership


野田さんは、世界の全人格リーダーを育てるグローバル大学院大学「至善館」の開校を準備するとともに、インドSchool of Inspired LeadershipやスペインIESEビジネススクールなどの世界のパートナー教育機関とともにZ-School Consortiumを組成し、22世紀に向け、米国発のMBA教育のパラダイムシフトを促す挑戦をしていらっしゃいます。その取り組みを踏まえて、MBAを超えた世界のリーダーシップ教育について語っていただきます。


20世紀資本主義の象徴であるアメリカ発のMBA教育は大きな転換点を迎えている。グローバリゼーションという大きな波、科学技術イノベーションのエクスポネンシャル(指数関数的)な進展、社会課題の世界規模での噴出という三大潮流と向き合いながら、変革と創造を牽引し、より良い未来を拓くリーダーに求められるものは何か? そうしたリーダーを輩出するには、どんな教育アプローチが必要か。


野田 智義 さん    Dr. Tomoyoshi NODA

2001年7月、財界人・社会リーダー120名の支援を得て、アイ・エス・エル(ISL、Institute for Strategic Leadership)を創設。

現在は、世界の全人格リーダーを育てるグローバル大学院大学「至善館」(文部科学省認可取得済み、英語・日本語)の2018年8月の開校を準備するとともに、インドSchool of Inspired LeadershipやスペインIESEビジネススクールなどの世界のパートナー教育機関とともにZ-School Consortiumを組成し、22世紀に向け、米国発のMBA教育のパラダイムシフトを促す挑戦をしている。

経営学者時代の専攻は組織戦略論で、企業における戦略策定・資源配分・事業創造・戦略統合プロセスについての研究成果を、Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Harvard Business Reviewなどのトップジャーナルに発表。
また、インシアード経営大学院においては、最優秀教授賞(best teacher’s award)を3年連続で受賞した経歴を持つ。

著書に「リーダーシップの旅」(金井壽宏共著 光文社新書)、
訳書に「アクション・バイアス」(ハイケ・ブルック スマントラ・ゴシャール著 東洋経済新報社)。


English Announcement
Vital Japan 158th Monthly Session – November
“Beyond MBA
Exploring an alternative paradigm of leadership development
towards the more inclusive and sustainable economy and society”

*When: Saturday, November 25, 2017
2:00-4:45pm (Door open 1:30pm)
Networking Party to follow at an Italian restaurant

*Place: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station

*Topic:  “Beyond MBA
Exploring an alternative paradigm of leadership development
towards the more inclusive and sustainable economy and society”

*Speaker: Dr. Tomoyoshi NODA
Founder and Chair, Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation,  Shizenkan University
Founder, Institute for Strategic Leadership

*Language: English only
*Cost: 1,000yen

*Sign Up Form  Fully booked!
(Max 250 people)

*Session Flow:
-2:00pm  Networking time
2:00pm: Opening
2:15pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
4:45pm  Session End
(5:00-7:00pm Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)

Please join us for our interactive workshop with Dr.Tomoyoshi NODA.

The MBA education, originated and developed in the U.S as a symbol of 20th century capitalism has faced a major turning point.

In rising to the challenges of three major trends; globalization, exponential advancement in science, technology and innovation, and globally spreading social issues,what is the essence a transformational leader must have?
What kind of educational approaches should we take to develop the leaders who embodies such essence?

Inviting Dr. Tomo NODA, the chair of Shizenkan University and the founder of ISL(*) as a guest speaker, we will discuss the challenges of developing next-generation leaders with creativity, willpower and integrity.

*ISL, Institute for Strategic Leadership, is the leading educational institution dedicated to the development of “whole-person” business and social leaders.

*Speaker’s Profile
Dr. Tomo Noda, an expert in organizational strategy and transformational leadership, is the founder of ISL (Institute for Strategic Leadership) and Shizenkan Leadership School, Tokyo-based educational institutions dedicated to the development of next-generation leaders with the willpower, character and creativity necessary to catalyze societal and business innovation.

Formerly he was a faculty member of the London Business School (1996-1997), INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France (1997-2000), INSEAD ASIA in Singapore (2001-2003), and Scandinavian International Management Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark (1996-2005), where he taught strategic and international management to MBAs and business excecutives.

In July 2001, with the supports of 120 business executives and social leaders, he founded ISL and started its unique executive education programs which went beyond the horizon of Western MBA approach.
The programs focus on “whole-person” leadership and combine Western approch of business professional development with liberal arts education
as well as Asian tradition of self-reflection.
Over the past 17 years, about 1300 business executives and entrepreneurs, including CEOs of Recruit, Shiseido, Kokuyo, Mitsui & Co., and Misumi, have graduated from ISL programs.

Further leveraging the experiences and networks developed at ISL, he is now in a process of launching Shizenkan Leadership School (hereafter called Shizenkan) at Nihonbashi,Tokyo in August 2018.
Shizenkan, officially approved by Japan’s ministry of education as a university, capitalizes on the strengths of both Western business (B-) schools and design (D-) schools, and aims to go beyond with particular emphases on humanity, value and integrity.
Shizenkan plans to form Z-School Consortium together with India’s School of Inspired Leadership, Spain’s IESE Business School and other educational institutions across the world, for encouraging a pradigm shift of global leadership development practices.

Besides his commitment to ISL and Shizenkan, he is also an active member of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives).  At Keizai Doyukai, he chaired the project team of supporting NPO/NGOs and fostering social entrepreneurship in 2011, and led the five-year nation-wide initiative for revitalizing the industry and economy of Tohoku, the northern region of Japan heavily damaged by the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami disaster between April 2012 and March 2017.

Dr. Noda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Tokyo,a Master’s Degree in Science in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Doctorate in Business Administration
(Business Policy) from Harvard University.
He is an INAMORI Fellow  (nominated by the foundation created by Mr. Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera Corporation) and is a co-author of the widely-read management book entitled, “A Leadership ourney” published by Kobunsha.
He is originally from Kyoto and lives in Tokyo with his wife.





土曜日 , 11月 25, 2017
2:00 pm - 4:45 pm


Vital Japan


飯田橋 – Iidabashi (Tokyo Shigoto Center)
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