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【Full – 満員】Sat. January 11: Vital Japan 「困難を乗り越え、人生を切り開くために ~リーダーシップ、コミュニケーション力、文化を超える力、意志の力」 “When the Going Gets Tough – Keep Going!” ◆&Networking Party・新年交流会
土曜日 , 1月 11, 2020@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
◆日時:2020年1月11日(土) 6:30-9:15pm (開場 6:00pm)
終了後9:30-11:30pm: New Year Networking Party 2020 (詳細下記)
◆会場:東京しごとセンター 地下講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆参加申込フォーム 満員締切済!
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)
◆使用言語: 英語のみ
2020年最初を飾るセッションには、Vital Japan最多登壇数を誇る、絶大な人気のGinger Griggsさんをスピーカーにお招きいたします。
*** Speakerからのメッセージ ***
This will be my 10th “mini workshop” with my Vital Japan friends and I am so honored to be invited back to this amazing group!
Over the years, I have shared tips with you about how to communicate more effectively, how to increase your confidence, to create your own career path, and to become a better leader.
However, what I have found most revealing – and most touching – about the questions and chats following our formal sessions has been how personal the questions tend to be, how we are all searching for happiness, and how it isn’t always easy.
Therefore, this year, I have decided to “go a bit deeper,” to share a little more of my personal story and with it, the most important lessons I have learned from a life sometimes lived well, and sometimes…not so well.
As always, we’ll keep things interactive, with lots of opportunities for you to share with each other and to apply the lessons to your own life. After all, for me, you will always be the “stars” of the evening!
Ginger Griggs is president of ASC Leader. Through consulting, training, and executive coaching, she fosters leadership excellence and organizational transformation by helping leaders to build their Awareness, Skill, and Courage, the elements for which her company is named.
She is also a professor at Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business.
A long-term resident of Tokyo who speaks four European languages fluently, Ginger has an extensive background in both education and international business, and holds Master’s Degrees in International Management, Conflict Facilitation & Organizational Change, and French Literature.
An active member of the Tokyo business community, Ginger serves as co-chair of the American Chamber of Commerce Human Resource Management Committee and on the board of the United Sports Foundation.
She has also served as a board member and on the executive committee of the Tokyo American Club Board of Governors. Her passion is helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential.
Vital Japan 181st Monthly Session – January 11, 2020 (Saturday) *Topic “When the Going Gets Tough – Keep Going!” *Speaker: Ms. Ginger Griggs, President, ASC LeaderUniversity *Session Language: English |
*When: Saturday, January 11, 2020
6:30-9:15pm (Doors open 6:00pm) Networking Party to follow
*Where: Tokyo Shigoto Center – Basement Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Language: English
*Cost: 1,000yen (Please pay at the door.)
*Sign Up Form Fully booked!
(Max 200 people)
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)
Please join us for an interactive workshop with Ginger Griggs, President, ASC Leader.
There will be group discussions and Q&A throughout the session.
***Message from the Speaker
This will be my 10th “mini workshop” with my Vital Japan friends and I am so honored to be invited back to this amazing group!
Over the years, I have shared tips with you about how to communicate more effectively, how to increase your confidence, to create your own career path, and to become a better leader.
However, what I have found most revealing – and most touching – about the questions and chats following our formal sessions has been how personal the questions tend to be, how we are all searching for happiness, and how it isn’t always easy.
Therefore, this year, I have decided to “go a bit deeper,” to share a little more of my personal story and with it, the most important lessons I have learned from a life sometimes lived well, and sometimes…not so well.
As always, we’ll keep things interactive, with lots of opportunities for you to share with each other and to apply the lessons to your own life. After all, for me, you will always be the “stars” of the evening!
***Speakers bio
Ginger Griggs is president of ASC Leader. Through consulting, training, and executive coaching, she fosters leadership excellence and organizational transformation by helping leaders to build their Awareness, Skill, and Courage, the elements for which her company is named.
She is also a professor at Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business.
A long-term resident of Tokyo who speaks four European languages fluently, Ginger has an extensive background in both education and international business, and holds Master’s Degrees in International Management, Conflict Facilitation & Organizational Change, and French Literature.
An active member of the Tokyo business community, Ginger serves as co-chair of the American Chamber of Commerce Human Resource Management Committee and on the board of the United Sports Foundation.
She has also served as a board member and on the executive committee of the Tokyo American Club Board of Governors. Her passion is helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential.
★ Vital Japan – New Year Networking Party 2020 ★ Saturday, January 11 |
◆When: Saturday, Janaury 11, 2020 9:30-11:30pm (After January monthly session)
◆Where: Grato – Italian Restaurant ※飯田橋駅そば
◆Capacity: 150 people
◆Cost: 4,000yen (food & drink)
◆参加方法: 月例セッション終了後、セッション会場1Fにてお待ちください。
RSVP not required for those attending the monthly session.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners