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【Full-満員】Sat. 2/20 Vital Japan – February Session in English◆「変革のリーダーシップ – 世界的企業GEはいかにして変革し続けているのか」
土曜日 , 2月 20, 2016@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Vital Japan February Session 第139回 月例勉強会 Fully booked! 満員 Sat. February 20 – 6:30pm- 【Iidabashi – 飯田橋】 ◆Topic 「変革のリーダーシップ – 世界的企業GEはいかにして変革し続けているのか」 “Driving changes at GE – how a big company can be nimble and simple” ◆Speaker: 安渕 聖司さん Seiji Yasubuchi (日本GE株式会社代表取締役 GEキャピタル社長兼CEO) ※使用言語:英語のみ Session language: English English Announcement |
開場6:00pm 勉強会 6:30-9:15pm 終了後、懇親会(立食パーティー)
◆会場:東京しごとセンター B2F 講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆参加申込フォーム – Sign Up 満員のため受付締切済
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party)
◆Topic「変革のリーダーシップ – 世界的企業GEはいかにして変革し続けているのか」
“Driving changes at GE – how a big company can be nimble and simple”
◆Speaker: 安渕 聖司さん Seiji Yasubuchi
(日本GE株式会社代表取締役 GEキャピタル社長兼CEO)
Vital Japanには2度目のご登場となる安渕聖司さんをお迎えします。
前回Vital Japanで反響を巻き起こしたセッションから1年半。
安渕 聖司 Seiji Yasubuchi
日本GE株式会社代表取締役 GEキャピタル社長兼CEO
2007年GEコマーシャル・ファイナンス・ジャパン 社長 兼 CEOに就任。
HBS Club of Japan副会長。アジア女子大学日本サポート委員会メンバー。
『GEの口ぐせ』 (PHPビジネス新書、2015年)
『GE 世界基準の仕事術』(新潮社、2014年)
English Announcement
Vital Japan 139th Monthly Session
“Driving changes at GE – how a big company can be nimble and simple”
*When: Saturday, February 20, 2016
6:30-9:15pm (Door open 6:00pm)
Networking Party to follow at an Italian restaurant
*Place: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Topic “Driving changes at GE – how a big company can be nimble and simple”
*Speaker: Seiji Yasubuchi, President & CEO, GE Capital Japan
*Language: English only
*Cost: 1,000yen
*Sign Up Form Sorry! Fully booked!
(Max 200 people)
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party)
Join us for an interactive workshop with Seiji Yasubuchi, President & CEO, GE Capital Japan.
We will be discussing how we can develop global leadership, using GE as a case. There will be group discussions and Q&A throughout the session.
*Speaker’s Profile
Seiji Yasubuchi was named President & CEO, GE Capital Japan in January 2009 to manage all the financial service businesses in Japan.
He joined GE as Senior Vice President, Business Development of GE Commercial Finance Asia in June 2006, and after completing an acquisition of Sanyo Electric Credit through a Public Tender Offer in May 2007,
he was appointed President & CEO of newly-created GE Commercial Finance Japan in September 2007.
Before joining GE, he spent years at Mitsubishi Corporation,
Ripplewood Japan, and UBS Investment Bank, having held various senior roles.
Seiji is also active outside of GE and serves as a member of the Operating Committee of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai), a member of the Japan Support Committee for the Asian University for Women, Vice President of the HBS Club of Japan, and also supports various NPOs and social entrepreneurs.
He is also an avid fun of Kabuki.
Seiji holds a bachelor degree in Economics, Waseda University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners