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Sat. October 28: Vital Japan「フロンティアでのゲリラ・マーケティング◇コカ・コーラ・ラオス」◆”Guerrilla Marketing for New Frontier – A case study of Coca-Cola in Laos”」
土曜日 , 10月 28, 2017@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Vital Japan – October Monthly Session – 第157回月例セッション:2017年10月28日(土) 6:00pm- 【飯田橋-Iidabashi】 ◆Topic 「フロンティアでのゲリラ・マーケティング: コカ・コーラ・ラオスのケース」 ◆Speaker: 中谷 安男 さん Dr. Yasuo Nakatani ※使用言語:英語のみ Session in English only |
◆日時:2017年10月28日(土) 勉強会 6:30-9:15pm(開場 6:00pm) 終了後、立食パーティー
◆会場:東京しごとセンター B2F 講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆Sign-up 参加申込フォーム Sign Up Now! 参加受付中
◆Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
Overview of Workshop
1. Introduction
2. Ice-breaking: Your favorite beverage
3. Marketing strategies of Coca-Cola
4. Discussion 1: Strengths and weaknesses of Coke
5. Where is Laos?
6. Discussion 2: How to develop new brand identity
7. Conclusions
9:15pm Session End
(9:30pm Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)
◆使用言語:英語のみ Session in English
中谷 安男 さん Dr. Yasuo Nakatani
法政大学 経済学部 教授、応用言語学博士
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業,米国ジョージタウン大学大学院英語教授法資格,豪州マッコーリー大学大学院修士号,英国バーミンガム大学大学院博士号 取得,オックスフォード大学客員研究員
ビジネスケース作成 例「インテル(株)マーケティング戦略」「インテル品質管理の交渉」「サッポロビール組織変革」「JR九州高速船」「たこ焼き八ちゃん堂」「シャネル,ディオール・パフュームブランド戦略」等
著書: Global Leadership: Case Studies of Business Leaders in Japan,
Improving Oral Proficiency through Strategy Training
『大学生のためのアカデミック英文ライティング』『ケース・メソッド入門』『国際ビジネスコミュニケーション‐国際ビジネス分析の新しい視点』他 多数。
読売新聞社 英字新聞The Japan NewsにEnglish for Global Marketingを連載中
English Announcement
Vital Japan 157th Monthly Session – October
“Guerrilla Marketing for New Frontier ? A case study of Coca-Cola in Laos”
*When: Saturday, October 28, 2017
6:30-9:15pm (Door open 6:00pm)
Networking Party to follow at an Italian restaurant
*Place: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Topic: “Guerrilla Marketing for New Frontier ? A case study of Coca-Cola in Laos”
◆Speaker: Dr. Yasuo Nakatani
Professor of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University
Director of Japan Business Communication Association
*Language: English only
*Cost: 1,000yen
*Sign Up Form Sign Up Now!
(Max 200 people)
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
Interactive workshop
Overview of Workshop
1. Introduction
2. Ice-breaking: Your favorite beverage
3. Marketing strategies of Coca-Cola
4. Discussion 1: Strengths and weaknesses of Coke
5. Where is Laos?
6. Discussion 2: How to develop new brand identity
7. Conclusions
9:15pm Session End
(9:30pm Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)
Please join us for our interactive workshop with Dr. Yasuo Nakatani, Professor of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University. There will be many group discussions in addition to the Dr.Nakatani’s lecture.
Let’s learn and network!
*Message from the Speaker
In this case study workshop, participants are asked to discuss how to buildand implement effective marketing strategies in emerging countries.
Although Coca-Cola has been the most popular beverage in the world, it a new comer in Laos.
In order to compete against pre-existing rivals such as Pepsi which has established the strong brand identity, the company need to introduce radical marketing strategies.
If you were a marketing director of the company, how can you solve the problem?
By reviewing the business development and marketing strategies of Lao Coca-Cola, we can identify the key successful factors in the future.
*Speaker’s Profile***
Professor Yasuo Nakatani obtained his TESOL Certificate from Georgetown University, M.A. from Macquarie University, and Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham and was a visiting scholar at University of Oxford.
His research interests include Communication Strategies, Business Case Studies and Second Language Acquisition.
He wrote many business cases such as Intel’s brand marketing strategies
and Chanel & Dior’s perfume branding strategies.
He published 23 books, 63 research papers and made 65 presentations in the world.
He writes the regular article “English for Global Marketing” on The Japan News by Yomiuri Shinbun.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners