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Sat. September 21: Vital Japan 「人生100年時代、あなたはどう対応?」 “The 100-Year-Life: What would you do?”
土曜日 , 9月 21, 2019@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Saturday, September 21 , 2019 : 6:30-9:15pm 2019年9月21日(土) 6:30-9:15pm 【飯田橋-Iidabashi, Tokyo】 ◆Topic 「人生100年時代、あなたはどう対応?」 “The 100-Year-Life: What would you do?” ◆Speaker: 石倉洋子さん (一橋大学名誉教授) Dr.Yoko Ishikura, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University ※使用言語: 英語のみ Session language: English *English Announcement |
◆日時:2019年9月21日(土) 6:30-9:15pm (開場 6:00pm)
終了後、立食形式のNetworking Party
◆会場:東京しごとセンター 地下講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆参加申込フォーム 参加受付中!
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at a casual Italian restaurant)
◆使用言語: 英語のみ
9月のVital Japanには、石倉洋子さん(一橋大学名誉教授:経営戦略、競争力、グローバル人材がご専門)をスピーカーにお迎えします。昨年初めてご登壇いただき、その素晴らしさに大きな反響を巻き起こしました。
活躍されていらっしゃるのみならず、グローバル人材の育成にも尽力されており、世界の課題を英語で議論する「場」を独自に展開されています。その中には、Vital Japan代表の小田康之もゲストスピーカーとして参画したGlobalAgenda Seminar、や SINCA(Sharing Innovative & Creative Action)などがあります。
*** Speakerからのメッセージ ***
石倉 洋子 さん Dr.Yoko Ishikura
バージニア大学大学院経営学修士(MBA)、ハーバード大学大学院 経営学博士(DBA)修了。
株式会社資生堂、積水化学の社外取締役、世界経済フォーラム Member of Expert Network
これまで、ライフネット生命保険株式会社、富士通株式会社、株式会社商船三井社外取締役、郵政公社社外理事、総合科学技術会議非常勤議員、日本学術会議副会長、その他 行政改革本部規制改革委員会委員、文部科学省中央教育審議会委員、産業クラスター研究会副座長、公正取引委員会独禁法懇話会委員、経済財政諮問会議専門委員会「選択する未来」Working Group委員など
2010年より「グローバル・アジェンダ・ゼミナール」、「ダボスの経験を東京で」(2013年から2018年まで)、2018年からSINCA – Sharing Innovative & Creative Actionなど、世界の課題を英語で議論する「場」の実験を継続中
Vital Japan 178th Monthly Session – September 21, 2019 (Saturday) *Topic “The 100-Year-Life: What would you do?” *Speaker: Dr.Yoko Ishikura, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University *Session Language: English |
*When: Saturday, September 21, 2019
6:30-9:15pm (Doors open 6:00pm) Networking Party to follow
*Where: Tokyo Shigoto Center – Basement Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Language: English
*Cost: 1,000yen
*Sign Up Form Sing Up Now!
(Max 200 people)
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at a casual Italian restaurant)
Join us for an interactive workshop with Yoko Ishikura, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University.
There will be group discussions and Q&A throughout the session.
*** Message from the Speaker***
Japan is one of the fastest aging societies in the world. This demographic fact has been known for some time, and “Aging” tended to come with “negative” image. Recently however, we associate “aging” more positively as we have much moretime to try new things and have a variety of experiences.
Many books and articles on how to live happily and productively in the era of “100 year life” have been written lately. Majority of ideas and plans seem to come from those who hit the retirement age and realize the need to think about their lifestyle.
I encourage younger people to start thinking/designing their 100 year life, as it will be reality for them sooner or later. What kind of factors to consider and what actions to take? What do YOU do? Let us share ideas for designing good 100 year life.
*Speaker’s Profile
Yoko Ishikura, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University
Professor Yoko Ishikura currently serves as an independent consultant in the area of global strategy, competitiveness and global talent.
She is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network. She currently serves as a non-executive director of Shiseido Company, Limited and Sekisui Chemical.
Professor Ishikura was a manager at McKinsey & Company Inc., a professor at the School of International Politics, Economics and Business at Aoyama Gakuin University (Japan), a professor at the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy at Hitotsubashi University (Japan) and a professor at the Graduate School of Media Design at Keio University (Japan)
She has served as a non-executive director for Lifenet Insurance Co., Vodafone Holdings KK, Japan Post, Mitsui OSK Lines, and Fujitsu Corporation.
Her former civic and professional activities include Executive Member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Vice President of the Science Council of Japan, Member of the Working Group on Growth under Council on Economic & Fiscal Policy, Vice Chair of Cluster Commission for METI, and Member of the Central Education Council in Japan.
She was a representative of Japan for Partner Institute of Global Competitiveness Report and served as Member of the Final Jury, St. Gallen Wing of Excellence Student Competition.
Professor Ishikura received a Bachelor of Arts from Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business (USA)
and a Doctor of Business Administration from Harvard Business School (USA).
She has been a frequent speaker and moderator at management conferences,
seminars and workshops throughout the world.
She also has run various workshops for international clients and recently for young global leaders including Global Agenda Seminar Series, SINCA – Sharing Innovative & Creative Action and Leadership seminars in Japan.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners