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Sat. 1/23 Vital Japan – January Session in English◆「ジャーナリズムの未来 – 日経の世界展開、メディアのこれから」◇”Nikkei – the Future of Media and Journalism”
土曜日 , 1月 23, 2016@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Vital Japan – January Session 第138回 月例勉強会 Saturday, January 23 – 6:30pm- 【Iidabashi – 飯田橋】 ◆Topic「ジャーナリズムの未来 – 日経の世界展開、メディアのこれから」 “Nikkei – the Future of Media and Journalism” ※使用言語:英語 *Session language: English English message after Japanese |
開場6:00pm 勉強会 6:30-9:15pm 終了後、懇親会
◆会場:東京しごとセンター B2F 講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆参加申込フォーム – Sign Up 受付中!
◆Topic「ジャーナリズムの未来 – 日経の世界展開、メディアのこれから」
“Nikkei – the Future of Media and Journalism”
◆Speaker: 森安 健 さん(Nikkei Asian Review 記者)
Ken Moriyasu, Tokyo correspondent, Nikkei Asian Review
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening & Icebreaking
Interactive workshop
9:15pm Session End
(9:30pm After Party)
先般の日本経済新聞社による世界的経済紙 Financial Times紙(FT)の買収は、メディアに関心のある人々をあっと驚かせました。これからの日経新聞、さらにはメディア全般のこれからについて大きな注目が集まっています。
現在は日経の英文メディアであるNikkei Asian Reviewの記者を務められていらっしゃいます。
Nikkei has been a Japanese language newspaper catered to the Japanese audience for 140 years. No more.
We are transforming into a global news organization, with a special focus on Asia. There are stories in Asia that only locals know.
These stories can seem irrelevant at first, but when put into a pan-Asian context, they could be part of a trend that can be vital to making business decisions. We want to be the journalists that connect those dots. Our English publication Nikkei Asian Review is our future.
As part of our global push, we have just concluded the purchase of the Financial Times, one of the world’s premier economic news organizations. We join forces when the media industry is undergoing drastic changes,
not just from print to digital, but possibly into an age where Apple, Google and Amazon could bundle news and sell to readers for a fixed price. Just like Apple Music, could we see Apple News? What does this mean for traditional news organizations?
森安 健 さん Ken Moriyasu
Tokyo correspondent, Nikkei Asian Review
Ken was a Washington correspondent, Cairo correspondent, Beijing correspondent and Dalian correspondent for the Nikkei, before assuming his current role — as English language reporter for the Nikkei Asian Review — in April 2015.
He was the last journalist in the world to interview Ariel Sharon, the 118 kg Prime Minister of Israel, one day before his collapse in 2006.
He graduated Sophia University (Tokyo) in 1994, where he was running back for the American football team Golden Eagles.
Earlier in his career, he was staff writer in the political department, covering the Japanese Prime Minister’s office under PMs Obuchi, Mori and Koizumi.
He is also chief speech writer at the Nikkei-FT Partnership Office, responsible for internal and external communication.
English Announcement
Vital Japan 138th Monthly Session
“Nikkei – the Future of Media and Journalism”
*Language: English
*When: Saturday, January 23, 2016
6:30-9:15pm (Door open 6:00pm)
After Party to follow
*Place: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Cost: 1,000yen (Please pay at the door)
*Sign Up Form Sing Up Now!
(Max 200 people)
*Topic “Nikkei – the Future of Media and Journalism”
*Speaker: Ken Moriyasu, Tokyo correspondent, Nikkei Asian Review
*Language: English
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening & Icebreaking
Interactive workshop
9:15pm Session End
(9:30pm- After Party)
Join us for our interactive workshop with Ken Moriyasu, Tokyo correspondent, Nikkei Asian Review. We will discuss the future of media and journalism.
Nikkei has been a Japanese language newspaper catered to the Japanese audience for 140 years. No more.
We are transforming into a global news organization, with a special focus on Asia.
There are stories in Asia that only locals know.
These stories can seem irrelevant at first, but when put into a pan-Asian context, they could be part of a trend that can be vital to making business decisions. We want to be the journalists that connect those dots. Our English publication Nikkei Asian Review is our future.
As part of our global push, we have just concluded the purchase of the Financial Times, one of the world’s premier economic news organizations. We join forces when the media industry is undergoing drastic changes, not just from print to digital, but possibly into an age where Apple, Google and Amazon could bundle news and sell to readers for a fixed price. Just like Apple Music, could we see Apple News? What does this mean for traditional news organizations?
**Speaker’s bio
Ken Moriyasu, Tokyo correspondent, Nikkei Asian Review
Ken was a Washington correspondent, Cairo correspondent, Beijing correspondent and Dalian correspondent for the Nikkei, before assuming his current role — as English language reporter for the Nikkei Asian Review — in April 2015.
He was the last journalist in the world to interview Ariel Sharon, the 118 kg Prime Minister of Israel, one day before his collapse in 2006.
He graduated Sophia University (Tokyo) in 1994, where he was running back for the American football team Golden Eagles.
Earlier in his career, he was staff writer in the political department, covering the Japanese Prime Minister’s office under PMs Obuchi, Mori and Koizumi.
He is also chief speech writer at the Nikkei-FT Partnership Office, responsible for internal and external communication.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners