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[Full-満員]Sat. August 26: Vital Japan「グローバル・リーダーの必須条件 -CQ(異文化対応能力)を磨く」◇ “Becoming a Global Leader – What is Cultural Intelligence? “
土曜日 , 8月 26, 2017@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Vital Japan – August Monthly Session – 第155回月例セッション:2017年8月26日(土) 6:00pm- 【飯田橋-Iidabashi】 Fully-booked 満員のため受付締切済 ◆Topic 「グローバル・リーダーの必須条件 – CQ(異文化対応能力)を磨く」 ◆Speaker: 藤井 正嗣 さん (早稲田大学 理工学術院 教授) ※使用言語:英語のみ Session in English only |
◆日時:2017年8月26日(土) 勉強会 6:30-9:15pm(開場 6:00pm) 終了後、立食パーティー
◆会場:東京しごとセンター B2F 講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆Sign-up 参加申込フォーム 満員のため受付締切済
◆Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening & Icebreaking
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
(Lecture, group discussion, Q&A)
9:15pm: Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)
◆使用言語:英語のみ Session in English
◆Topic「グローバル・リーダーの必須条件 – CQ(異文化対応能力)を磨く」
“Becoming a Global Leader – What is Cultural Intelligence? ”
◆Speaker: 藤井 正嗣 さん (早稲田大学 理工学術院 教授)
Masatsugu FUJII, Professor at Waseda University
EQ(Emotional Intelligence)とは、他人の物まねではない本物のリーダーシップを指します。
そして、CQ(Cultural Intelligence)とは、異文化対応能力のことです。
藤井 正嗣 さん Masatsugu FUJII
三菱商事時代は、クアラルンプール支店食料・繊維・資材マネージャー、アメリカ食料子会社 会長兼社長、本社人事部・国際人材開発室長、人事子会社取締役人材開発事業部長、インド冷凍物流合弁会社Executive Directorなどを歴任。
NHK教育テレビ講師として、「イエスと言わせるービジネスマンの説得術」(1997年)、「英語ビジネスワールド-Lead!-The MBA Way-」(2000年10月~2001年3月)を担当。
著書は、「英語で読み解くハーバードAMP」(DHC)、「英語で学ぶMBAベーシックス」(NHK出版)、「英語で学ぶMBAの授業」(中経出版)、「プレゼンのプロが教える戦略的英語プレゼンテーション」(DHC)、「英語コミュニケーション戦略」(日興企画)、等多数。 訳書に「柔道ストラテジー」(NHK出版)がある。
English Announcement
Vital Japan 155th Monthly Session – August
“Becoming a Global Leader – What is Cultural Intelligence? ”
*When: Saturday, August 26, 2017
6:30-9:15pm (Door open 6:00pm)
Networking Party to follow at an Italian restaurant
*Place: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Topic: “Becoming a Global Leader – What is CQ(Cultural Intelligence)? ”
*Speaker: Masatsugu FUJII, Professor at Waseda University
*Language: English only
*Cost: 1,000yen
*Sign Up Form Fully-booked
(Max 200 people)
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
Interactive workshop
9:15pm Session End
(9:30pm Networking Party at an Italian restaurant)
Please join us for our interactive workshop with Professor Masatsugu FUJII.
We will be discussing competencies to be a global leader with a special emphasis on Cultural Intelligence.
*Message from the Speaker***
Every global leader needs three competencies: IQ, EQ, and CQ.
IQ refers to the skills taught at many business schools such as accounting, finance, marketing, strategies, etc.
EQ is your own authentic leadership, not a copy of others’.
CQ is your capability to function effectively across various cultural contexts (national, ethnic, organizational, generational, etc.)
In this session, I will first explain my global leadership model. I will then concentrate on CQ. After I made my model public, I found out that my model is strikingly close to the one taught at Harvard Business School.
I will conduct this session only in English using my own cases in small group and interactive discussions.
This is the first time I discuss my global leadership model in an open forum like this.
I look forward to seeing you all!
*Speaker’s Profile***
Masatsugu Fujii is a professor at Waseda University in Tokyo.
He also serves on the Graduation Certification Committee of the Academy for Global Leadership at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Prior to joining Waseda University in 2004, he worked for twenty-seven years for Mitsubishi Corporation, where he held leadership positions in Japan, Malaysia, the United States, and India.
He worked for GlobalEnglish, an e-learning venture headquartered in Silicon Valley, as its Japan head for three years (2001-2004).
He served as a lecturer for Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)’s educational TV programs Getting to Yes (1997) and MBA Basics (2000?2001).
He has authored or coauthored more than a dozen management and communication books written in English and Japanese, some of which have been translated into Chinese.
Professor Fujii has an A.B. (1972) and an M.A. (1974) in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley.
He completed the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Harvard Business School in 1999 and since attended the AMP Renewal Programs in Versailles, Shanghai, and Mumbai. He completed “The Leading a Global Enterprise” program at Harvard Business School in 2013.
He did his sabbatical research on global leadership at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners