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July 16: Vital Japan「メンタル&フィジカルの能力を引き出す自己鍛錬法 – 米国陸軍式レジリエンス」“Extreme Self Care: Take Care of the Asset!”◆英語セミナー / Workshop in English
月曜日 , 7月 16, 2018@2:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Vital Japan Monthly Session 第165回 月例セッション 2018年7月16日(祝・月) 6:30pm 【飯田橋-Iidabashi】 ◆Topic「メンタル&フィジカルの能力を引き出す自己鍛錬法 – 米国陸軍式レジリエンス」 “Extreme Self Care: Take Care of the Asset!” ◆Speaker: Roger Sherrin, Executive Coach; Former Military Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Army ※使用言語: 英語のみ Session language: English only (英語の勉強会ではありません。Vital Englishと間違えないようご注意ください。) *English Announcement |
勉強会 2:00-4:45pm(開場 1:30pm) 終了後、立食形式のNetworking Party
◆会場:東京しごとセンター B2F 講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆参加申込フォーム 参加受付中!
-2:00pm Networking time
2:00pm: Opening
2:15pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
4:45pm Session end
(5:00pm- Networking Party at a casual Italian restaurant)
◆使用言語:英語のみ English Only
スピーカーのRoger Sherrinさんは、米国陸軍にて Military Intelligence specialist, East Asia & Japan Regional Analyst, Counter-Terrorism Analyst として、日・米・欧で活躍されてきた方です。
使用言語は、全編英語のみです。Vital Japanは、既に英語で議論ができるレベルの方のみ参加可能です。英語の勉強会をしたい方はVital Englishにご参加ください。
Working on success in your career, education, life, relationships, or happiness takes a lot of work and comes with a lot of stress; however, often the last thing we put our attention or focus is on our own health and peace of mind! In business, an “asset” is defined as a “resource that an individual or company owns and is the source of economic value with the expectation that it will provide future benefits.” We are our most important asset contributing to a successful and happy life!
And if we don’t “Take Care of the Asset”, our bodies and minds will get your attention through illness, injury, fatigue, lack of motivation, depression, or even death!
In this session we will become more conscious of how to take care of the most important asset in our lives – ourselves!
We will talk about Extreme Self Care in the areas of fitness, meditation, stress management, and the U.S. Army concept of Resilience developed in response to years of combat stress. Learn how to set Personal Boundaries to protect your energy and time.
Responding to special requests from Vital Japan members, Roger will share the secrets of how to find and develop successful relationship partners. You might be surprised at this approach to attracting the right people into your life!
You can’t be successful in your professional career or personal life if you don’t take Extreme care of the Asset! And you can apply these same lessons to improve your team leadership as well! Be prepared for some new ideas and ways of thinking about your life!
Roger is an Executive Coach who works with top level corporate leaders in Japan; consults in Leadership Development; and also privately coaches globally minded professionals such as Vital Japan participants.
He holds an M.B.A. from Hitotsubashi University & London Business School, and is currently pursuing a Master’s of Science in Leadership, Organizational Development, & Executive Coaching through the University of Texas at Dallas.
Roger recently retired from a global career as a U.S. Army Officer as a Regional Intelligence Analyst working in Japan, the U.K., Belgium, and Hawaii. He can also be seen around Tokyo as the lead vocalist and guitarist for his band, The Boso Boys!
Vital Japan 165th Monthly Session – July 16, 2018 (Monday & Holiday) *Topic: “Extreme Self Care: Take Care of the Asset!” *Speaker: Roger Sherrin, Executive Coach; Former Military Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Army Session in English only |
*When: Monday & Holiday, July 16th, 2018
2:00-4:45pm (Door open 1:30pm)
Networking Party to follow at a casual Italian restaurant
*Place: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Language: English
*Cost: 1,000yen
*Sign Up Form Sign-up Now!
(Max 150 people)
*Session Flow:
-2:00pm Networking time
2:00pm: Opening
2:15pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
4:45pm Session end
(5:00pm- Networking Party at a casual Italian restaurant)
Please join us for an interactive workshop with Roger Sherrin, Executive Coach and Former Military Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Army
Following on the popularity of his Leadership Lessons from the U.S. Army, Executive Coach and Leadership Development specialist, Roger Sherrin, returns to Vital Japan for another unique presentation full of practical take-home techniques to improve your life and career!
Based on Vital Japan participant’s real life questions and comments, Roger has designed a special presentation to discuss how to protect the most important factor in your life and career success – “Yourself!”
Working on success in your career, education, life, relationships, or happiness takes a lot of work and comes with a lot of stress; however, often the last thing we put our attention or focus is on our own health and peace of mind! In business, an “asset” is defined as a “resource that an individual or company owns and is the source of economic value with the expectation that it will provide future benefits.” We are our most important asset contributing to a successful and happy life!
And if we don’t “Take Care of the Asset”, our bodies and minds will get your attention through illness, injury, fatigue, lack of motivation, depression, or even death!
In this session we will become more conscious of how to take care of the most important asset in our lives – ourselves!
We will talk about Extreme Self Care in the areas of fitness, meditation, stress management, and the U.S. Army concept of Resilience developed in response to years of combat stress. Learn how to set Personal Boundaries to protect your energy and time.
Responding to special requests from Vital Japan members, Roger will share the secrets of how to find and develop successful relationship partners. You might be surprised at this approach to attracting the right people into your life!
You can’t be successful in your professional career or personal life if you don’t take Extreme care of the Asset! And you can apply these same lessons to improve your team leadership as well! Be prepared for some new ideas and ways of thinking about your life!
*About the Speaker
Roger is an Executive Coach who works with top level corporate leaders in Japan; consults in Leadership Development; and also privately coaches globally minded professionals such as Vital Japan participants.
He holds an M.B.A. from Hitotsubashi University & London Business School, and is currently pursuing a Master’s of Science in Leadership, Organizational Development, & Executive Coaching through the University of Texas at Dallas.
Roger recently retired from a global career as a U.S. Army Officer as a Regional Intelligence Analyst working in Japan, the U.K., Belgium, and Hawaii. He can also be seen around Tokyo as the lead vocalist and guitarist for his band, The Boso Boys!
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners