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Sat. August 24: Vital Japan「文化を超えた仕事力 – 文化の壁を乗り越えるコミュニケーション技術」”Communicating Across Cultures in the Workplace”
土曜日 , 8月 24, 2019@6:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Saturday, August 24, 2019 : 6:30-9:15pm 2019年8月24日(土) 6:30-9:15pm 【飯田橋-Iidabashi, Tokyo】 ◆Topic 「文化を超えた仕事力 – 文化の壁を乗り越えるコミュニケーション技術」 “Communicating Across Cultures in the Workplace” ◆Speaker: ロッシェル・カップさん (ジャパン・インターカルチュラル・コンサルティング社 社長) Rochelle Kopp, Managing Principal, Japan Intercultural Consulting ※使用言語: 英語のみ Session language: English *English Announcement |
◆日時:2019年8月24日(土) 6:30-9:15pm (開場 6:00pm)
終了後、立食形式のNetworking Party
◆会場:東京しごとセンター 地下講堂
東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-10-3
◆参加申込フォーム 参加受付中!
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at a casual Italian restaurant)
◆使用言語: 英語のみ
8月のVital Japan月例セッションでは、仕事における異文化コミュニケーションについて取り上げます。特にオフィス環境においてどう文化のギャップを乗り越えるか具体的なコミュニケーションテクニックなどに焦点を当てます。
More and more Japanese business people are finding themselves working closely with non-Japanese as employees, clients, and even bosses.
And they have many questions, such as: What’s the best way to bridge communication gaps and build strong working relationships? How can you adjust your communication style based on the culture of the individual
you’re dealing with? What are some of the mistakes Japanese commonly make in dealing with Americans, Europeans, and Asians?
This presentation will give you the answers to some of these questions. You’ll learn a way to think about differences between national cultures and how to bridge them that avoids stereotyping and takes into account individual differences. You’ll gain a better understanding of how different cultures approach communication, and to improve communication, and concrete techniques you can apply in your work.
The session will include group discussions and mini self-assessments to help you gain deeper insights and build your cross-cultural skills.
Management consultant Rochelle Kopp has spent the past 25 years helping Japanese and people from other cultures improve their communication. You’ll leave this session with some new ideas and insights to enhance your effectiveness, no matter what different cultures you are working with.
Rochelle Kopp is founder and Managing Principal of Japan Intercultural Consulting, an international training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. She specializes in human resource management, cross-cultural communication, and organization development.
Rochelle works frequently with the global operations of Japanese firms, and with foreign firms doing business in Japan, helping people to bridge communication barriers.
Rochelle is author of over 30 books, including Learning How to Work with Non-Japanese Through Manga, and Sophisticated English. She writes columns for The Asahi Shimbun, Nikkei Business Daily, and the Newsweek Japan website.
専門分野:異文化コミュニケーション・グローバル人材育成 ・人事管理・組織活性化・リーダーシップ
Her recent books in Japanese:
○ツイッター:@JICRochelle (日本語)@JapanIntercult(英語)
Vital Japan 177th Monthly Session – August 24, 2019 (Saturday) *Topic “Communicating Across Cultures in the Workplace” *Speaker: Rochelle Kopp, Managing Principal, Japan Intercultural Consulting *Session Language: English |
*When: Saturday, August 24, 2019
6:30-9:15pm (Doors open 6:00pm) Networking Party to follow
*Where: Tokyo Shigoto Center – B2 Hall
3-10-3 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
*Language: English
*Cost: 1,000yen
*Sign Up Form Sing Up Now!
(Max 200 people)
*Session Flow:
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:15pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at a casual Italian restaurant)
Join us for an interactive workshop with Rochelle Kopp, Managing Principal, Japan Intercultural Consulting
More and more Japanese businesspeople are finding themselves working closely with non-Japanese as employees, clients, and even bosses. And they have many questions, such as: What’s the best way to bridge communication gaps and build strong working relationships? How can you adjust your communication style based on the culture of the individual you’re dealing with? What are some of the mistakes Japanese commonly make in dealing with Americans, Europeans, and Asians?
This presentation will give you the answers to some of these questions. You’ll learn a way to think about differences between national cultures and how to bridge them that avoids stereotyping and takes into account individual differences. You’ll gain a better understanding of how different cultures approach communication, and to improve communication, and concrete techniques you can apply in your work.
The session will include group discussions and mini self-assessments to help you gain deeper insights and build your cross-cultural skills.
Management consultant Rochelle Kopp has spent the past 25 years helping Japanese and people from other cultures improve their communication. You’ll leave this session with some new ideas and insights to enhance your effectiveness, no matter what different cultures you are working with.
*Speaker’s Profile
Rochelle Kopp is founder and Managing Principal of Japan Intercultural Consulting, an international training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. She specializes in human resource management, cross-cultural communication, and organization development.
Rochelle works frequently with the global operations of Japanese firms, and with foreign firms doing business in Japan, helping people to bridge communication barriers.
Rochelle is author of over 30 books, including Learning How to Work with Non-Japanese Through Manga, and Sophisticated English. She writes columns for The Asahi Shimbun, Nikkei Business Daily, and the Newsweek Japan website.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners