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【復活!】Vital Japan Session: Sat. April 20 「人生の困難を乗り越えるためのレジリエンスとは?」“Resilience: Dealing With Life’s Challenges”
土曜日 , 4月 20, 2024@6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
English announcement is here
Vital Japan 185th Session – 第185回 セッション
2024年4月20日(土) 6:30pm 【東京・飯田橋】
【Vital Japan Session 復活第一弾!】
◆Topic 「人生の困難を乗り越えるためのレジリエンスとは?」
“Resilience: Dealing With Life’s Challenges”
◆Speaker: Ms. Ginger Griggs, President, ASC Leader
※使用言語:英語のみ Session language: English
◆日時:2024年4月20日(土) 6:30-9:00pm (開場 6:00pm)
終了後、Networking Party (立食形式の懇親会)
◆会場:東京・飯田橋 東京しごとセンター 講堂
◆参加申込フォーム 受付中!
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:00pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at a restaurant)
パンデミック以来、限定的な開催となっていたVital Japanセッションですが、今回から完全復活します。
復活最初を飾るセッションには、Vital Japan最多登壇数を誇る、絶大な人気のGinger Griggsさんをスピーカーにお招きいたします。
Are you as resilient as you could be? Many of us may still feel a lingering sense of isolation brought on by the global pandemic. And all of us are bombarded daily by anxiety-provoking headlines?climate change, natural disasters, inflation, violence, war, and dozens of other threats, real or imagined.
Within this volatile environment, we face our own personal challenges, be they work issues, family responsibilities, relationship difficulties, financial concerns, health problems, or any of the many other challenges of daily life. It’s no wonder, then, that many of us could use a little help in strengthening our “resilience muscle”.
In this highly interactive session, we’ll cover practical techniques for increasing and maintaining your sense of well-being, even through hard times. In a relaxed, engaging and supportive atmosphere, you’ll participate with those around you in enabling exercises and enlightening discussions that will deepen your self-awareness and strengthen your positive outlook. You’ll leave the session feeling empowered, refreshed, motivated, and equipped with new tools to strengthen your resilience.
Ginger Griggs is President of ASC Leader (“Leading with Awareness, Skill and Courage”), and she has also recently taken on the role of VP & Chief People Officer at EAW (“Excellence at Work”). Through consulting, training, and executive coaching, Ginger fosters personal and organizational excellence and growth.
A long-term resident of Tokyo who speaks four European languages, Ginger has an extensive background in both education and international business, and holds Master’s Degrees in International Management, Conflict Facilitation & Organizational Change, and French Literature.
An active member of the Tokyo business community, Ginger serves on the boards of the United Sports Foundation and the Run for the Cure Foundation, and is a Vice President of the Tokyo American Club Board of Governors. She also co-chairs the Human Resource Management Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce.
Ginger’s passion is helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential.
English Announcement
Vital Japan 185th Monthly Session -April 20, 2024
“Resilience: Dealing With Life’s Challenges”
*Topic “Resilience: Dealing With Life’s Challenges”
*Speaker: Ms.Ginger Griggs, President, ASC Leader
*Language: English only
*Cost: 1,500yen (Please pay in cash at the door)
*When: Saturday, April 20, 2024
6:30-9:15pm (Door open 6:00pm)
Networking Party to follow at a restaurant
*Place: Iidabashi, Tokyo Tokyo Shigoto Center – Basement Hall
*Access: 7 minute walk from Iidabashi Station
10 minute walk from Kudanshita Station
Sign Up Form Sign Up Now! (Max 200 people)
*Session Flow
-6:30pm Networking time
6:30pm: Opening
6:45pm-: Workshop by the Speaker
9:00pm Session end
(9:30pm- Networking Party at a restaurant)
Join us for an interactive workshop with Ginger Griggs, President, ASC Leader.
There will be group discussions and Q&A throughout the session.
Message from the Speaker
Are you as resilient as you could be? Many of us may still feel a lingering sense of isolation brought on by the global pandemic. And all of us are bombarded daily by anxiety-provoking headlines?climate change, natural disasters, inflation, violence, war, and dozens of other threats, real or imagined.
Within this volatile environment, we face our own personal challenges, be they work issues, family responsibilities, relationship difficulties, financial concerns, health problems, or any of the many other challenges of daily life. It’s no wonder, then, that many of us could use a little help in strengthening our “resilience muscle”.
In this highly interactive session, we’ll cover practical techniques for increasing and maintaining your sense of well-being, even through hard times. In a relaxed, engaging and supportive atmosphere, you’ll participate with those around you in enabling exercises and enlightening discussions that will deepen your self-awareness and strengthen your positive outlook. You’ll leave the session feeling empowered, refreshed, motivated, and equipped with new tools to strengthen your resilience.
Speaker’s Profile
Ginger Griggs is President of ASC Leader (“Leading with Awareness, Skill and Courage”), and she has also recently taken on the role of VP & Chief People Officer at EAW (“Excellence at Work”). Through consulting, training, and executive coaching, Ginger fosters personal and organizational excellence and growth.
A long-term resident of Tokyo who speaks four European languages, Ginger has an extensive background in both education and international business, and holds Master’s Degrees in International Management, Conflict Facilitation & Organizational Change, and French Literature.
An active member of the Tokyo business community, Ginger serves on the boards of the United Sports Foundation and the Run for the Cure Foundation, and is a Vice President of the Tokyo American Club Board of Governors. She also co-chairs the Human Resource Management Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce.
Ginger’s passion is helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential.
Vital JapanとVital Englishは、それぞれ目的とレベルが異なる勉強会です。お間違いないようにお申し込みください。
Vital Japan: For English speaking professionals
Vital English: For English learners